Thursday 23 August 2012

Swiss/International Period

Today we looked at the Swiss/International period slideshow within art and design.

 Information about the Swiss Style and how it came about.

Mies van der Rohe is one of the most influential architects of the 20th century (left). His buildings were extremely famous and became the 'blueprint' for the modern industrial society.  
His designs were known to critics as 'big glass boxes'. This was due to his love of using exposed metal and rectangular forms to create his buildings.

To the left is an example of one of his buildings that represents the metal and box form.

This is an example of the type of furniture during the Swiss period. It is very 'box' like and geometric. This was the same as the Bauhaus period style. 
 This was one of the first and one of the most box like cameras. It has very sharp 45 degree angles which makes it a very popular antique today. Nikon is still an extremely famous company who are doing very well.
This aircraft was called the 'Concord', it was specifically designed and engineered for supersonic speeds and also its simple look noticed by it's sleek form.
Unlike normal aircraft's this one was very geometric, for example the rectangular box shaped engines.
This design is an example of the grids that were used, this was also the same as the Bauhaus period. Simple shapes and colours were also used to create a very unique and interesting design.
This is an example of how simple the Swiss period intended to go, this is showing the sea, land and sun all within 3 colours and 2 shapes. This captures the eye and is very interesting to look at despite its lack of creativity. 
This poster shows the repetition used within this period. Two colours being shown in a pattern, this creates an interesting look for the audience. Transformation also became very popular.

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