Thursday 9 August 2012

Romanticism & Classicism

- Classic style - vision of logical ordered systems of stability and beauty
- Values represented by romanticism and classicism and social conditions reflected. 

Romanticism (emotion)

  • Frank Ghery - Contemporary artist influenced by the Romanticism period.
  • 17th and 18th century Baroque and Racoco period 
  • Rising height on the central axis - represent emotional heights.
  • Embellishments and very decorative 
  • The ecstasy of St. Theresa - significant sculpture depicting a moment of spiritual ecstasy - MOVEMENT.
  • Romanticism - emotional release expressive - quite often regarded as feminine.
  • Goya - Spanish artist
               - painted depictions of human ugliness, greed, violence, power, mongering and oppression by war
  • Exotic subjects were on the increase with greater world travel (not on 'classicism' because it's going against the status quo but on romanticism because it talks about people, emotion and feeling.
  • German expressionism (Gaudi)
               - used colour and form in a way that facilitated expression of strong emotions including despair.
Antoni Gaudi
      - Spanish architect of Modernism
       - Born in Reus in 1852
       - Received architectural degree in 1878
       - Most unique and distinctive architectural styles
       - His work was greatly influenced by forms of nature, this explains the curved construction stones, twisted iron sculptures and organic forms.
       - Many buildings contain coloured mosaic looking patterns on the walls and windows - the use of colour was a main form which Gaudi looked closely into. 
       - 4 passions - architecture, nature, religion and love  for Catalonia.
       -  Influences - Neo-Gothic art, Oriental techniques.
       - Was part of the Catalan Modernista which came about around the 19th-20th century. 
       - Work - mainstream with the tweak of an organic look due to his love of nature. 
       - 1984 - 2005 - 7 works were declared as World Heritage Sites. 
       - Catholic and was nicknamed "God's Architect"

Classicism (science)

  • Order -  repetition of units that create two patterns (regular and mathematics).
  • Maths - scientific approach
  • Emotional values - beauty (in formula), symmetrical & systematic, requires balance and stability. 
  • Ancient Greece - very coherent style 
  • Represents the status quo
  • 1775 - Neo (new) Classicism - revival of Classicism
             - allergory - ppassing on political issues - French revolution
             - represent power and stability
             - often government buildings are neo-classicism
  • Bauhaus - makes beginning of early modern movement
                    - represents values
                    - logical rejects embellishments
                    - simple and affordable - reductionism - form
                    - colour - red, green, blue
                    - shape, geometry, math
                    - form follows function
                    - "Less is More"   
  • Mies Van der Rohe contrasts with Gaudi
             - principles of geometry minimal and rationality
  • Surrealism - psychology by Fraud.
                      - comes from science
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
       - Born - March 27th, 1886 (Aachen)
       - Died - August 17th, 1969 (Chicago)
       - German-American arcitect
       - One of the pioneering masters of modern architecture
       - Created an influential 20th century architectural style that involved clarity & simplicity.
       - Buildings used modern materials such as steel and glass.
       - His goal was to create his artworks using minimal framework with a lot of open space for flowing freedom.       - Called his buildings "skin and bones"

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