Thursday 16 August 2012

Fifties' American Kitsch

This lesson we looked at an American Kitsch slideshow and discussed the humor that we found whilst looking at the artworks. 

A main influence was James Dean for this design period due to his 'rebel' look.
 The odd looking shapes that are similar to the basic shapes that are used in the Bauhaus period. Although the Kitsch period took it to a whole new level by adding the boring looking base.
 The odd looking shapes clock. Although I liked this design, many did not. A similar shaped mirror is currently at Ikea, the design hasn't left the shops.
 The uniqueness of the coffee table, very art styled period. Focused a lot on art and design itself.
 The bright colours which were used, these were also used in the Bauhaus period. The simple styles were also famous in the Kitsch era.

This poster represents the strong and dramatic looks on the faces of the people. This man looks serious but also adds humor to the poster.
Comic books were also popular during this period. The dramatic style was a main section of American Kitsch.
Many typefaces were influenced by hand written types, especially during film titles. Also the lighting is very bright and stands out. 

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