Thursday 23 August 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright

  • Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect. 
  • He was born in the Richland Center situated in Winsconsin on the 8th June, 1867.
  • He died on the 9th April, 1959 at the age of 92 in his home at Pheonix, Arizona.
  • His parents were known as William Cary Wright and Anna Lloyd-Jones. 
  • He attended Madison High School, during the Summer he spent it with his uncle on his farm. During this time with his uncle he realised his dream was to become an architect. 
  • In 1885 he left high school and started working for Allan Conover, who was the Dean of the University of Wisconsin's Engineering department. Before moving to Chicago he spent 2 semesters studying civil engineering. 
  • He moved to Chicago in 1887 where he started working for an architect known as Joseph Lyman Silsbee
  • Lloyd's style of architecture involved the use of a horizontal plane, which included no basements or attics. 
  • All his creations were built with natural materials and never painted. He utilised low-pitched rooflines with deep overhands and walls of windows to merge the horixontal homes into their own environments. 
  • To his designs he added either large stone or brick fireplaces in the middle of the home which he referred to as 'the homes heart'. He made the rooms open to one another also so everything was connected. 
  • His simplistic houses served as an inspiration to the Prairie School which was a name that was given to a group of architects who had a style that was indigenous to the mid-western culture. 
Example of his architecture pieces. 


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