Wednesday 2 October 2013

Lecutre 8...Reading 6....Response

Consumption & Self-Identity 

- Conspicuous consumption
- Trickle-Down Theory
- Urbanisation and Industrialisation
- Isolated or alienated from society
- Character - Honest you
- Personality - How you are seen
- Appearance and behaviour - Personality

- Semiotics and semiology - study of meanins
- created, transmitted and manipulated
- Artifactual world 
- Signified - cmmunicable expression
- Signifer - represents the original object in discourse
- Different meanings vary from one culture to another
- Cultural meanings are 'embodied or encoded (we have to dig it out)'
- We can also change who we are by changing the goods we choose to wear, use or surround ourselves with.

Commodity Culture and Commodity Fetishism 

- Commodities are defined as things that are bought and sold in a social system of exchange
- Commodity self
- Such a tactic sells a kind of pseudo-individuality, which the Frankfurt School theorists defined as a feature of the products of the culture industry in which a fast sense of individuality is sold simultaneously to many people.

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