Thursday 15 August 2013

Lecture 3...Notes

Subconscious and conscience
- More than just 5 senses
- Just because a car can be driven - there are other feelings towards the car that draws us into the vehicle
- This is similar to marketing - this is where a metaphor comes into play
- You can use a metaphor to give the advertisement more meaning
- If you compare different states you're not making metaphors but comparisons…

Pure metaphor - something that stands for a product or the feeling we get from it, complicated or obscure.
Dictionary meaning:
"Sometimes you can just show us something that isn’t your product at all and tell us it is. You’re using a pure metaphor: something that stands in for your product (or its benefit or the feeling we get from it) that helps clarify and convince. This is a good idea when your product is intangible, but also when it’s boring to look at or complicated or obscure or unknown. Or when everybody else in your category does one thing (show the car, for example), and you want to do something different."

A lot of advertisements use surrealism these days
The link to dreams and alcohol change your brain, this could be good or bad

Fused metaphor:
Dictionary meaning:
"Pure metaphors, though, are rare. Why? Because it’s easier to create a fused metaphor. With a fused metaphor, you take the product (or something associated with it, the way a toothbrush is associated with toothpaste or the highway with cars) and fuse it with something else."

- Easier to create
- Take product or something associated with it
- Some one with an eyepatch may have a 'different life'
- Mick Jagger - goes again the norm and against the 'stone'
- Absolut Vodka - campaign research
- Help contextualise the selling argument; we don't have to live quite so far but when what what we're looking for is for sale.
- You catch our attention and argument but morph something into a selling point.

- Tomato that's been sewn up after it's been sliced
- The Lincon's stove pipe hat with sweaty grime on the brim

- Bob Dylan - example of substitution, hair taken away and replaced with colours and lines
- The keys city shape teeth

 - "A smile in the minds"

- It's like a (something) for your (something)
- Eg. the internet is an example of a 'pipe'
- Broadband and large pipes - metaphor

- You look at one problem - see through it and find the answer to another question
(the serendipity of innovation)

- The serendipity - stumble across a whole new world….eg. musicians stumble upon a new song….working on one problem and find the solution to another problem
eg. eyelash growers
- A simple solution to a complex story
- "Don't be too literally, try to find metaphors that capture psychological essence than simple external reality."

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