Thursday 11 October 2012

Postmodernism + Modernism

  •  There is no metanarrative --> the big story --> post modernism --> modernism
  • Modernism --> If there is a metanarrative there is an answer for every question through rationality. Man can create a better world.
           - Rule 1: No ornamentation (reaction to Victiorianism)
           - Central Station: Less is more (reductionism)
           - Bauhaus Era
  • Post Modernism --> No single answer to a question. We accept the world as it is. The rules can be broken
  • There is fragmentation
    Many different stories
    Uncertain but established
    - No post-modernists accept the world as it is
    - Modernism attacked popular culture
    - Entered a complicitous relationship with the dominant culture rather than holding a superior attitude to it
    - Characteristics such as: fragmentation, impurity of form, deathlessness, indeterminacy, intertexuality, pluralism, eclecticism and a return to the vernacular.
    - Ceases to be the goal. Parody, pastiche and the ironic recycling.
    - Memphsis - Furniture and product design in Italy

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